The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • For the most part: Important everyday bookmarks go to the bookmark-toolbar directly, everything else goes to few top-level directories in bookmark toobar: games, software, hardware, wishlist, media, work

    the directories are then further sectioned into subfolders, eg games->gamename and so forth.

    Sometimes I do wish the directories would just automatically alphabetize themselves, but oh well.

  • not only the ux, some devs make it absurdly confusing to find a binary.

    I don’t want to throw anyone under the bus, but there’s this one niche app.

    their github releases at one point were YEARS out of date, they only linked to the current version in seemingly random issue reports’ comments. And the current versions were some daily build artefacts you could find in a navigation tree many clicks deep in some unrelated website. And you’d better be savvy enough to download a successfully built artefact too. And even then the downloaded .zip contained all kinds of fluff unnescessary for using the app.

    The app worked fine, sure, but actually obtaining it was fairly tricky, tbh.