Not that I was ever some lothario in my single days, but one could manage “blue guy” instincts and still not come off as a total ass: “You’d think that but no, polar bears live on ice, that’d be pretty fucking dumbsilly if they fell through it all the time. —insert laughing emoji— So anyway, how are you this morning?”
Maybe still a bit pedantic, but in my experience it’s best if that becomes known fairly early. My wife had fair warning, LOL.
Not that I was ever some lothario in my single days, but one could manage “blue guy” instincts and still not come off as a total ass: “You’d think that but no, polar bears live on ice, that’d be pretty
fucking dumbsilly if they fell through it all the time. —insert laughing emoji— So anyway, how are you this morning?”Maybe still a bit pedantic, but in my experience it’s best if that becomes known fairly early. My wife had fair warning, LOL.