I may not know much about warp theory, but I do know the Nebula Class looks ridiculous.
Imagine the TNG opening but with the Nebula Class Enterprise D zooming across and also the theme is played on a tuba.
I may not know much about warp theory, but I do know the Nebula Class looks ridiculous.
Imagine the TNG opening but with the Nebula Class Enterprise D zooming across and also the theme is played on a tuba.
I fucking love all the kitbash ships and shuffled part ships.
Especially the ugly kitbashes.
I always thought the nebula class was neat. The mission pod is cool. Being able to swap out for combat or sensors or whatever else you need by heading to a space dock, pressing a few buttons and waiting for the worker bees to swap them out in half an hour or less (or your dilithium back)
I love the Nebula-class and I will stand with you against the slander in this comment section.
Some people make it obvious they never built model ships (possibly in bottles) when they were young.