• PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    The pro-gun crowd will never agree with you.

    They were asked how gun laws could be improved after a teenager, who people called “school shooter” because of his history of rape threats and animal abuse, bought 2 semi-automatic rifles from a gun company that targets edgelords and used them to mutilate a room of children beyond recognition. Their response was “make them even more permissive”.

    If they they oppose denying firearms to someone with that many red flags, they’re definitely not going support denying firearms to someone for being old, unable to control their emotions and probably racist.

    • butwhyishischinabook@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I’m in the “pro gun crowd” and I, and many of us, absolutely do not think he should own a gun. Many of us very much support keeping firearms out of the hands of people with a history of violent tendencies and torturing animals. What are you talking about?? That’s like, one of the few things that the “pro gun crowd” and “gun grabbers” actually agree on.

        • butwhyishischinabook@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Vote for increasingly tight background checks, micro stamping, and other solutions that don’t rely on the delusional and childish belief that only the batshit crazy police should have guns? What are you doing about it? I’m gonna take a shot in the dark here and guess voting for the public policy version of a miracle cure. How responsible.

          • PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            Vote for increasingly tight background checks, micro stamping, and other solutions

            Cool, sounds good.

            childish belief that only the batshit crazy police should have guns

            Your guns have done absolutely nothing to bring police reform. Can you name even a single person in the last 20 years who has shot their way out of a confrontation with “batshit crazy police”?

            It’s a marketing strategy to sell guns to people who don’t trust the police, not an actual solution to the problem. In fact, pull that gun on a cop that wants to kill you and they’ll be thrilled that your murder won’t even be investigated.

            What are you doing about it? I’m gonna take a shot in the dark here and guess voting for the public policy version of a miracle cure.

            No miracles needed, just policy that has worked the world over and enough time for it to become effective.

            It’s funny though, despite you being such an ally of gun control, I’ve never seen you among the pro-gun crowd accusing their solution of being “delusional” or a “miracle cure” when they’ve claimed “we just need to elimate poverty and permanently and completely cure every man, woman and child of mental illnesses, even the ones that don’t want treatment, so its safe to sell them guns”.

            Oh well, I’m sure you’ll get your chance after the next mass shooting.