Every sensor I’ve seen let’s you set the timeout, and some of the nice once are actually presence detectors so they won’t turn off if you are sitting still.
Every sensor I’ve seen let’s you set the timeout, and some of the nice once are actually presence detectors so they won’t turn off if you are sitting still.
The first difference is schools are closed on Sundays…
That’s all I got
We are civilized here
And yet you can’t stop running over elderly people with e scooters, interesting.
Doritos would be way cooler if they turned your finger tips transparent
Bro the Clinton’s haven’t been relevant in 10 years
Skill issue
Damn 2008 was 46 years ago
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but everyone should know that fop headquarters are flammable
Mandrake, do you recall what Clemenceau once said about satire?
My first subreddit to get banned was one dedicated to pointing out obvious ad campaigns.
The big difference is Hamburg has a 3.5 meter tidal range and Tampa has a .6 meter tidal range.