I raise you this: https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/lisp_cycles.png
I raise you this: https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/lisp_cycles.png
If windows didn’t exist, linux would dominate with the problems you describe, and we’d still see this meme, but advocating for FreeBSD instead.
That being said, I like them both. It’s been a while since I last used bsd, so I think it’s about time I give it another spin.
Not very practical, but good for understanding the OS: Everything is a file. Even your filesystem and harddrive is represented by a file (devicenode).
Back in the day, before things such as pulseaudio and equivalents became the norm, there was also such a file (it might still exist, idk) for your soundcard. By shoving the contents of a wav file directly into /dev/dsp, you could hear it as if it was played normally.
Unrelates to the above, in a terminal context it’s very handy to learn the concepts of STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR, and how to manipulate these. I won’t go into it here, but whenever you see a bunch of commands strung together with redirects, < > | >>, that’s usually for sending the output (STDOUT) of one command somewhere else, such as to the input STDIN to another command.
I’ve always been intrigued by that one. I want to test it out, but finding an image has proven difficult.
[Insert trolley problem here]
It is my firm opinion that void* should be named “disappointer”
I’ll let Randall Munroe decide that himself, considering the fact that he provides URLs for hotlinking below the comics