I don’t think you’re allowed to burn boy scouts.
I don’t think you’re allowed to burn boy scouts.
Imo, you deserved better than that.
Also, an okay-ish self depicting gag is often a good off ramp, if there’s no genuine ill will between people. I usually take them, as it keeps things light.
Not being horrible. I just wish someone had told me stuff like that. I’m not saying you’re young. Im just saying, I have too many grey hairs for your mom jokes.
But, If it makes you feel any better, I wish I wasn’t too old for them too.
Jokes on you. I’m wet from both.
Oh, is that what that thing was? I wondered why i kept getting wet.
You would have to define how you’re using “have to” here. I mean, I wouldn’t try to come and attack you for neither agreeing not disagreeing with a subject you still managed to have such strong a need to inject in.
Partly because you might be bigger than me but mostly because I generally only see doing that as soemthing I strongly frown upon, in even the most severe of cases. I’m not particularly keen on forcing people to do anything, in fact.
Really, though only you can answer that question.
I’m glad we agree that our lives are probably better now than they for the people who literally had to live in caves, thousands of years ago, though. Thank you for including that important point.
Work has never been so unstressful, if you look back at the history of mankind.
I agree that it was even worse before. Although, I’m a little puzzled as to what point is being made. Are you agreeing with me or not? I can’t tell.
Industrialization killed workers with 60 hour shifts in unsafe environments. Middle ages made you work 18 hours a day once you were 7 and made you starve if the harvest was bad. In the stone age your family died from hunger after you got killed on the hunt.
Life expectancy was never as high as today.
Looking back at what I wrote, what point is all this agreeing with or refuting?
To me, it seems like you’re arguing that the passage of time is a good thing. I don’t remember saying that the passage of time wasn’t good.
I know what you mean, when I put to nazis and bigots, through various civil discourses, the most agreeable and cordial justifications for their systematic capture and extermination or deportation, to my great surprise, they never acquiesce to any form of intellectual exchange, regarding the legitimate concerns I raise.
Its the most bizzare thing because, just previously, they’d been more than happy to declare thus and so the most polite and reasonable argumentations supporting the very same thing for other people. More so, they many were lamenting how unfair it was for them to be denied the opportunity to pontificate on such matters, just a short time previously.
I’m sure you can only imagine my surprise when they did this, after their claims of wanting nothing more than “civil discourse.”
We should build some kind of a moat around the UK. If we manage that, while not full proof, I have no doubt that banning it in the UK will be easier to do than somewhere without a moat.
Not that surprising. Conspiracy theorists, imo, have a few key features
no matter how smart or stupid they might be, they always think they’re far smarter than they actually are
thinks everyone else is an idiot
easy to wind up
will take a position, no matter how little info about it they have access to, and will never, ever back down from it no matter how ridiculous where they ended up may be
finds real life too boring
None of those are ASD
Its sad how western colonial imperialists will try describe ethnic cleansing as a good or necessary thing.
As I suggested, the idea is and always has been to force palestinians out from Palestine, so they can be denied the right to ever return to thier homeland
In the exact way Israel has done to thousands of palestinians before and were all supposed to pretend we can’t see exactly what we’re looking at.
Also, “war” implies either side could win. This isn’t a war, its ethnic cleansing, for the express purpose of illegally colonising stolen land.
Are you trying to tell me that the spirit of capitalism won’t return to us, dressed in the splendor of new technology, to absolve us of our past planetary transgressions, and take us to a new, perfect place amongst the stars where we will live in profit and harmony for ever?
Well, thats the second time I’ve fallen for that story…
I don’t remember saying that skill shortages don’t exist.
Israel declaring everyone should just leave is great and everything but where is safe for them to go?
Its just, to me, the only places they seem to be able to go that might be safe are outside of Palestine but maybe I’m just being cynical.
I agree with the first part.
The second has some truth but peoples frustration isn’t that there is some immigration. More so, despite their claims, there isn’t a skill shortage of unskilled workers which should’ve always been self refuting. However, there is a shortage of companies who will pay people enough to do the work they want people to do.
When its framed like the above, it frames it as the choices are a) exactly as it is no or b) no migrant workers, even if that’s not what you meant to say.
I hope you agree, the problem isnt the tiny number of people coming here illegally. Its not great but it was largely a deliberately manufactured problem.
The real problem we have no is that every company, post brexit, can now claim that their refusal to pay market rate wages or the provide meaningful training to anyone is the same as a skill shortage. This, of course, means their only possible option these hard done by entrepreneurs can do is import someone in for far less than what they should be paying for that work to be done in the UK.
Before brexit, they had pay enough for someone to want to move from, say, Italy leaving their family and friends behind to start a new life. Now, they only have to offer more than the going rate of the global south.
The problems were seeing are directly a result of letting corporations run riot over our immigration policy for years which has lead to some serious problems.
Just to be clear, I don’t blame anyone for wanting to come here for a better life. I didn’t choose to be born here.
Its work
Working, in the way that we do, takes years off of our lives and ruins the quality of life of people in their final years too.
I mean, its a meme and the message is put across very well but, for me, an important distinction for the comments section is that wealth increases life, as much as, if not more than poverty decreases it. Its wealth specifically and not wages too. After a certain point, increased wages actually have an inverse effect on lifespan which I’m sure comes as no surprise to anyone and the reason is both self explanatory and further supports what I’m saying.
Just so its been said, wealth, in these instances, refers to capital that makes you money. More specifically, wealth gives you money from NOT from working.
The exact point at which life expectancy and QoL increases is always around the exact level of wealth and passive income someone would need to drastically lower their working hours or stop completely.
A second argument: women live longer than men. There are some biological factors for this, such as oestrogen being a vasodilator etc. However, it wasn’t really enough to explain the differences we were seeing.
The thing is, this unexplained gap has started getting smaller and smaller. Now, unless there’s been a fundamental change in the average womans physiology recently, only one thing has changed in our society to the extent that it could effect something like this. Its also filtering through at around the exact time it should be, were the trend to be caused work.
Nothing else reconciles all of the positions, let alone so perfectly and in one single stroke.
Edit: so many typos
Because law enforcement tend not to listen to random people making wild accusations online.
deleted by creator
Always knew he was a sex pervert
No no, they dont call them kings. They call them wealth creators and, despite worshipping them in much the same way, them ruling their offices in much the same way and literally just being a financial aristocracy, I’m told its a totally different thing.
In capitalist America, Ambulance chases you.