tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I recommend everyone to read up a bit on the Algerian war for independence

    In total the estimates for Algerians killed, mostly murdered by the French opression range from 400.000-1.500.000.

    The French massacred Civilians, used torture and rape, unlawful detentions, food deprivation and other inhumane tactics to supress and murder the people struggling to live in self determination on their own land.

    Meanwhile of course the independance fighters were branded as terrorists and barbarians to delegitimise their political goals and in complete denial about the terror imposed by the French police and army.

    Finally the French lost as their population stopped supporting the murder, torture and rape. It also lead to the collapse of the fourth republic, after which the war was lost soon after.

    The military tried to coup twice. First to bring de Gaulle into power and maintain the brutal opression of Algeria and a second time to coup de Gaulle out, as he was realising the war to be lost and seeking a political resolution.

    For decades after there was no recognition of the French, that a war took place. They refered to it as a police operation and the topic was banned from schools.

    In the muslim and arab world what happens in Gaza and the Westbank is often seen in parallel to the Algerian war of independence. In Europe many countries gloss over or just dont teach about the Algerian war for independence or other independance movements in the former colonies at all.

  • Yesterday morning i installed Mint xfce on an old laptop.

    I wanted to install synaptics drivers for the touchpad because i use the trackball as mouse but need the touchpad for clicking. Something that isnt configureable in the default driver.

    When i copied an example config file and added my line, i rebooted the computer.

    The GUI broke because in the example config file, there were “…” To indicate writing further options, but xorg couldnt interpret or ignore it, so i had to figure out how to edit textfiles in the command line.

    No fun times, and definetely a risk for new users.

  • When i first killed someone in DayZ back in the day, when it was just the ArmA 2 mod and all the hype.

    I finally found a gun and started to learn my way around the zombies, when i heard a player in a bush nearby the hospital in Elektrozavodsk. I thought he was probably out to get me, so i emptied my Makarov clip at the bush and shortly after heard the fly noise they had put to mark dead players.

    As i searched his body with my heart pumping like crazy i found him to have nothing but a can of beans. I felt profoundly shitty in that moment because he was just like me at the time. Some new guy playing a tough sandbox multiplayer-game, where everything and everyone can kill you. He probably didnt even hear or see, where he got killed from, just like it happened half a dozen times to me before.

    I showed cruelty to someone in whose shoes i’d had demanded mercy.

    Fuck everyone pitching people to fight each other