“What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine.” I expect Musk just assumes he owns all of those and if he ever finds out he doesn’t then he will then assume ownership of it. And then probably try to sell you access to your own weather station.
I may or may not be any number of unfathomable beings.
“What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine.” I expect Musk just assumes he owns all of those and if he ever finds out he doesn’t then he will then assume ownership of it. And then probably try to sell you access to your own weather station.
Only reason I even watched that shit was trying to see that happen live
That’s been the conservative MO for decades: create a huge, super fucked up problem that would never exist if they didn’t force it into being, and then sell you the solution to it.
This is extra funny because for the week or two after The Adjustment Musk wasn’t seen in public at all without his infant son riding on his shoulders. He literally did this exactly like it’s shown in the comic, except with his own child.
Don’t know why the Republicans suddenly want to kill their cash cow.
The average conservative isn’t informed or intelligent enough to understand how drastically they benefit from the horrible working conditions that migrant workers deal with, and they hate brown people.
The entire movement has been backing themselves into this corner for decades.
The human raised his implement once more towards the machinery, ready to do God knows what. As it turns out, God didn’t know what and was in-fact watching with extreme fascination.
I love this, this is my favorite line. Very Pratchett-esque.
19,802 eggs calculated using the price of a dozen eggs at my closest supermarket ($7.69).
Ah of course they did
Maybe the one intelligent decision this group has ever made
Yeah I don’t see LockMart and Raytheon taking that sitting down. Musk thinks he has power, he doesn’t really. The MIC runs American finance.
You’ve got more faith in the purchasing public than I do, then. I’ve been watching them buy a new copy of the same COD slop every year for a fresh $60 basically since I’ve been old enough to buy my own video games.
Because Rockstar is going to do it and sell a gorillion copies, so it’s basically a guarantee that everyone else will jump on the opportunity. And once every game is $100, what are people going to do, stop buying video games? I find that unlikely anymore. They’ll bitch and complain about it and sales might drop a little on average but studios will survive. And now we have a new price floor set forever.
Unfortunately, you literally don’t want Tesla’s trademarks. Their cars are demonstrably worse than any other EV option including the super cheap Chinese ones. They have zero value outside of having Musk’s name attached.
Cooperation is pussy liberal shit, a real American dies alone
I came in here to post about having a copy of Titus Burkhardt’s Alchemy tome and DKMU Assault On Reality but I think yours might take the cake instead, as well as possibly including both of those texts.
This also may explain why Nintendo can’t implement competent networking features to save their lives.
Literally any other politician I could believe would be stupid enough to rile everyone up about tariffs but still be hesitant to pull the trigger on it out of fear of the economic repercussions.
Trump straight up doesn’t understand the repercussions, will fire anyone who tries to explain them to him, and has no reservations whatsoever about pulling any triggers that he can get his lil fingies around.
You mean the free trade agreement that Trump is currently trying to tear down?
Hell, he’ll probably ask y’all to pay taxes on transport, even for things you aren’t selling here.
You forgot the most important step: lie your ass off constantly faster than the truth can catch up to you
The “mandate”, for instance, is horseshit. There is no mandate. Trump won by one of the smallest margins in American history and immediate turned around to cry, “The people love me! They voted for me overwhelmingly! Best most fairest election of all time!”
The aviation industry can absorb a whole lot of sin before they’re on equal danger footing with automotive, if for no other reason than sheer volume. Most people, unless you fly constantly for work, get on a plane once a year or less. Most people drive to work almost every day. Roads have traffic, the skies do not (at least, not nearly to the same extent, midair collisions can happen but they’re rare).
I have no doubt the skies are about to become noticeably less safe, but they’ve got a looooot of catching up to do before they dethrone the automobile as one of the top 3 leading causes of death in America.