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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2024

  • If we remove the outside resistance, no, just as likely simply because of being of genocidal species.

    If we don’t, then being genocided yourself and becoming treated specially because of that does, yes.

    First, because of being treated specially. Second, because of those likely to commit genocide supporting you to minimize their PR expenses, and thus your friends and allies being genocidal.

    Israel’s allies are like US and Germany, which, BTW, has made such notable apologetic actions and reparations only in case of the Holocaust, - they haven’t done anything except the official apology in case of Herero genocide, and their stance on the Armenian genocide was just recognizing it without criminalizing denial, and with very little attention to German Empire’s role in organizing it (basically German military advisors in the Ottoman Empire were involved in this as much as they were in actual warfare).

    I don’t think I need to say anything about US, even the political status of Native Americans in the US could be something better.

    But Israel is also friendly with Turkey - Israel has the PR advantage of being a genocide survivor nation, and Turkey has a resources and strategic position advantage of unpunished genocide perpetrator nation. One needs the resources help, another needs the PR help. They satisfy each other’s needs, and really a lot of basic goods in Israel are actually produced in Turkey. Even some military stuff.

    Strangely enough it’s the same with Germany - they are clutching at every opportunity to publicly support Israel, and wave that support against anything bad they do. “We are friendlier with Israel than you” is their indulgence against anything.

    This is, of course, solvable in the balancing way - Israel’s Holocaust PR should be universally shunned and condemned, their agent network investigated, exposed and controlled, and their military kicked out of Palestine, and Turkey should be kicked out with carpet bombings out of Western Armenia, Pontus, Assyria and Cilicia. It takes resources, like everything else. But the reward is huge for those of us not making money on suffering.

    The problem is the psychopatic way geopolitics work currently. Peaceful West Asia, less corrupt\poor Latin America, less uneducated\poor sub-Saharan Africa could make our whole world far richer and pleasant to live in. But it would definitely change all the elites and ways of existence of currently powerful countries.

  • you can put out an idea in plain language, and get back code that just “does” it

    No you can’t. Simplifying it grossly:

    They can’t do the most low-level, dumbest detail, splitting hairs, “there’s no spoon”, “this is just correct no matter how much you blabber in the opposite direction, this is just wrong no matter how much you blabber to support it” kind of solutions.

    And that happens to be main requirement that makes a task worth software developer’s time.

    We need software developers to write computer programs, because “a general idea” even in a formalized language is not sufficient, you need to address details of actual reality. That is the bottleneck.

    That technology widens the passage in the places which were not the bottleneck in the first place.

  • Sanctions are supposed to make life difficult for the people in sanctioned countries so that those people maybe start doing something to the person causing the problems.

    Nah. They are supposed to reduce connectivity for everyone except the right people with connections, who deal in shit big enough, like oil, gas etc, but not us serfs and not businessmen who don’t respect their government officials enough to bribe them. This worked especially well in the Iron Curtain times, and it seems there are people nostalgic of that now.

    First, spitting into my soup for something other people did is not going to make me more pissed at them (suppose I already was), it’s going to make me more pissed at those spitting into my soup.

    Second, knowing that Israel isn’t sanctioned, Turkey isn’t sanctioned, Azerbaijan isn’t sanctioned, but Russia is, not being better, makes it extremely hard to believe that those sanctions are meant to solve problems. Even if I didn’t know how they work.

    Third, a country can’t make something a crime outside their jurisdiction.

  • Yes. This also works with epidemics. Die too quickly - less chance to infect others, being one man short makes your community poorer, which means fewer travelers, which also means less chance to infect other communities.

    One reason Black Death led to so much witch hunting and jew burning and talk about divine punishment - many people were immune even when exposed to piles of bodies of infected, while those to get sick would die very fast. That’s one way a highly deadly and quickly developing disease can survive, be deadly only to some part of the population. Well, rats and water too.

  • I think that’s intentional. Nation states and other powers that be have working propaganda mechanisms.

    A real AGI is a change most important in the sense of power, not in the sense of economy (because we know how to make new humans and educate them, it wouldn’t be a qualitative change there).

    All this AI gaslighting is intended to stall real advancements there.

    The Web in some sense was produced in the context of AI research. In general semantic and hypertext systems were. And look what it has done to the world. They may just not want another such cataclysm.

    EDIT: Also notice the shift from the hypertext paradigm to the application platform paradigm in the Web.

  • Azeri terrorist state bombed Stepanakert with white phosphorus and napalm with no consequences.

    BTW, Russia has already used white phosphorus against civilian targets in this war, if I am not mistaken.

    Israel is, of course, using those in Gaza.

    I’d say legality has long lost its meaning in international relations. Not that it ever had any in this particular regard.

    I’ve read that even not using expansive (those that expand, not those that cost more monies) bullets was not result of any humanism, but of the military logic that a soldier wounded by a conventional bullet stops being a combatant and becomes a logistical burden, while a soldier dead from a gruesome wound just stops being a combatant, possibly helping to motivate his comrades in arms.

  • Islamists have committed a genocide against Yazidis and Assyrians just a few years ago. Islamists are also committing crimes against Christians in a few places in Africa you’ve never heard about.

    Christianity, when it’s not European, is a much more humane religion than Islam. Should be the reason why European colonial powers were so eager to rely on Muslims in India and Africa, again.

    Hindu terror is a thing. Last time I heard it was against Christians though, just recently. They also have a rather harsh regime in Kashmir, but that’s mirrored on the Pakistani side, so a draw between Hindus and Muslims.

    Zionism is not a religion.