But but isn’t that kinda the joke but without the joke?
But but isn’t that kinda the joke but without the joke?
Can the next verse start with “she’s overboard”?
Well I eered in writing that then
Does the US DOT really use the Klingon insignia? Or something looking erringly similar that is?
I wanted to comment something like “not the crossover we deserve but the one we need” but your meme just nails it!
I wish I were gay so I could use that whenever I’m ready to go again.
From what I know there is an opening. The males simply don’t use it.
She’s surely among the best—that we know of!
We’ll just get Cate Mulgrew to argue that point.
Okay I’ve gladly also never seen this in league football. Normally just a jersey and a scarf, which can hardly be called cosplay. Fair point!
But I especially thought cosplay is especially impersonating somebody. Might be my own bias; but otherwise I know it as fancy dress or whatever, not cosplaying.
Aaaanyway, LLAP!
This is said pretty often on the internet but as a sports fan I don’t get it.
Like, if I wear my favourite player’s jersey, I don’t wanna portray them in any kind or form. It’s a show of support and a form of tribalism, really, that can easily be mocked without wildly misinterpreting it.
I wanted to find a good analogy but first came up with wearing colours to sports events, ha! But really it’s like wearing a band shirt on a live show; nobody’d call that cosplaying.
Edit: of course there’s full kit wankers but in decades of visiting mainland European footie stadiums I’ve only ever seen one. Seems to be a British thing. Let’s not talk about them.
Anybody do emby as ezri?
This is two months old but man you’re on point.
Buffy (or rather Willow) was the reason I had my crush on Hannigan.
Angel is a pretty decent spin-off as well! Generally a bit darker though.
If you enjoy Star Trek you sure can deal with bad first seasons and some camp, so have a blast!
The germ factories point sounds like a conspiracy though.
Unless they’re being let go at the same time at the same place, so the pull difference makes the minuscule difference even more minuscule.
But the question is which one falls faster, not which one pulls the earth faster.
Middle it is!
I mean, people love vinyl to this day. I do. There’s something homely about the little cracks and imperfections of each record. I own a Mozart record my mother used to play for me to fall asleep and there are better recordings but none hits the same. I guess it’s similar.
git reset
can be undone by a lot of editors. At least IntelliJ has an excellent local history that works much like git. Sure it’s a pain if you touched several files but that’ll teach you to atomify your commits.Edit: Plus,
git reset
itself does nothing of note really, but I’m sure you know. Needs the—hard
flag to do any meaningful damage.