Random verses taken out of context doesn’t do it for me. However a screen saver or widget or something that daily shows a random proverb from Proverbs might be interesting.
This isn’t going to happen. I’m not sure what the UK is expecting here.
That’s cute. Aren’t taxpayers already funding road repairs through all the other taxes they pay?
Reminds me of how Texas is trying to legalized casinos to “fund education” when that’s why we passed the lottery. Not to mention the $24 billion surplus the state is sitting on.
I mean, I’m all for legalizing pot, but let’s not try to coach it as a panacea for misappropriated funds.
I don’t think this is going to turn out the way these media tycoons thought it would. People are already fleeing from corporate media. And now the White House is supplanting them at press conferences with media outlets they have a stake in instead.
Well good thing the senate just approved the author of 2025 to the office of management and budget. 🙄
When are the investors and employees going to wake up and kick Elon out of Tesla?
Finally a clever headline! No use of the word “slammed” here.
Education? Medical care? The electrical grid? Oh, no you’re talking about privatizing the post office. It gets so confusing since Republicans want to privatize well, everything.
You’d think they’d be rich enough to build a concrete retaining wall.
You can click on that little ellipsis menu and either choose “not interested” or “block this channel”. It should improve your recommendations.
Sure you can. Fight online propaganda with online propaganda.
I look forward to seeing the CGI worm body with Timothy Chalmet’s head atop it.
I wonder how many employees at Google have started looking for other jobs? I know I would be after a choice like this.
The only good Dune book is the first book. So it will be interesting to see how this turns out.
If they’re clever, they’ll just ship items to a waystation in Mexico where they’ll be relabeled.
Yep. The suggestion algorithm is way too aggressive. Keep in mind you can remove individual videos from your watch history.
Trump is running out of hairs for his comb over.
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