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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It’s good old-fashioned xenophobia and is by no means unique to Americans or English-speakers even in the modern era. Anyone who has spent enough time in certain parts of France, Italy, or Belgium has probably encountered it at some point.

    It’s everywhere but it is probably most prevalent in countries with a strong nationalist core and, in my opinion, ironically occurs most often in countries that have really fucked around with having an empire in the last century or so.

  • Mmmm except whatever shibboleths you may utter against “right-wing religious idiots”, comments like yours help those idiots and others like them by giving them a sort of ‘cognitive plausible deniability’ to get up to whatever evil shit they’ve been getting up to and worse.

    Like it’s so obviously minimizing real evil - the evil UNDERNEATH shit like this ‘innocent little contest’, genius - under a shield of “d’aww shucks those pesky white nationalists are up to their hijinx again, those silly knuckleheads”.

    So in that context, you talking about ‘disgusting right-wing idiots’ comes off as a real fellowkids moment for you.