• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Assuming I’m still in good health, I want to go on some long bicycle tours. Like weeks or months long. Maybe start with the GAP/C&O Canal as a warm-up. Then La Route Verte. After hitting a few other sections of the US and Canada I would move across the pond to the UK, Ireland, and western Europe.

    If I can find a riding partner who is open to dirt then I would really love to do the GDMBR. There are lots of shorter trails that would be fun warm-up trips, too. Unfortunately, I have yet to meet anyone IRL who is crazy enough to do multi-day off-road trips with me.

  • I don’t know where in the world you live, but here in the US there is a decades-long trend of people abandoning group social activities in favor of individual activities. Robert Putnam wrote a whole book about it called Bowling Alone back in 2000. Organizations of all kinds have seen declining membership, from adult sports leagues to scouting organizations to PTA groups. If you can find a group of people dedicated enough to form and maintain a club, then you are bucking the trend.

  • I was working for an HVAC contractor and we did a job at a prison. We would work at night while all the residents were locked up and sleeping. We had a corrections officer escorting us the whole time. The hallways were all on the exterior of the building and lined with large windows. That allowed the guards in the towers outside to watch people moving within the building.

    One night, in the wee hours of the morning, we’re walking down the hallway when a red laser dot appears on the wall next to us. All of us contractors freeze instantly. We don’t know what is happening and we DO NOT want to get shot. Our escort gets on his radio and tells the guys in the tower to stop fucking with us. The little red dot disappears and we go on with our night.

    We were briefly afraid for our lives because some bored asshole prison guard couldn’t resist flagging us with the muzzle of his rifle and teasing us with the laser sight.