• 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • I get where you’re coming from, but, anti-trans hate has been around for centuries. Probably longer.

    Now, during the 90s, gay/lesbian advocacy was the big deal. And, honestly, the heteros got upsetteros over just that. So, trans issues were… well… unfairly delayed as an issue we all thought (at the time) should come after the mainstream could handle the simple idea of boys kissing in public without being immediately hate-crimed.

    I’m on board with thinking that this was the wrong approach. There’s a little bit about this, but, I think we should’ve gone in a lot more fervently and headstrong, rather than pussyfooting around on, begging the bigots to like us, as we did at the time.

    Nonetheless, here we are now.

    And defining my age?

    And I feel, when the dogs begin to smell her… will she smell alone?

  • DAX was joined with the Jadzia for six years before she died. Surely a rich life, like that of Torias (1 1/2 years), but worthy and memorable nonetheless.

    Ok, so, clearly you’ve never seen or heard of Star Trek before (if I’m wrong, I apologize), or you’d know and understand all of this, so I’ll explain:

    Trill society has a subset who can be joined with Trill symbiots. These work/slug-like creatures can live for centuries, even longer. They “join” with the humanoid Trill and become a unified “person”, different and unique from either the host or symbiot which came before the Union.

    So, once Dax (the symbiot) seperated from Curzon when he died and joined with Jadzia, was that a “new person”? Well… that’s debatable. Jadzia, the new host, was certainly changed, and Dax, the symbiot, certainly had some ”newness” to contend with. But… Jadzia was still Jadzia… plus Dax. It’s like having a new person, deeply nestled inside of your mind and soul. Does that, indeed, constitute a “new person”? Well… it would certainly demarcate many new and notable differences… but also much that remains the same.

    It complicated. It’s not black-and-white, and it (probably) depends on individual experiences rather that a general rule.