ugh, i read it in his voice
ugh, i read it in his voice
if you’re lucky enough to be nearby, try taking her out to the movies and coffee after, once a week, it helped my mom and she’s even got her own litl circle of ladies now so i don’t have to go with her if i’m too busy
but the cheap labor?? the us wouldn’t survive without the prison system, don’t know why they’re wasting good drugs on the guy though, why waste a life unless we get to make some burgers out of him or something, right? god bless
i have done my research and i personally choose to believe that they’re grumpin’ us, it sounds too good to not be true
yeah, you tell him! pootie will show him the business now, stupid kid
i never expected to still have such a visceral reaction to tgn twain, like if i ever hated anyone, it’s him and judge judy
kamala would have turned around
this lady is definitely the fall guy for some chicken mafia related activities, people were profiting from this, it’s bigger than just one lady and some friends, how can you move that much chicken in a day, everyday? someone find the closest wing place and tell me that their prices are incredibly reasonable at least
fast food or dine in? it’s funny because the less “corporate” the restaurant, the more likely it is that they’re getting a lot of their ingredients in the same place that you get yours
where do you live that tipping is mandatory? or are you talking about something else?
my belief that your belief has little impact on the reality?
such an old thread, who are you pandering to? you could just message me directly if you need someone to talk to
Houston Tipping is an easy to remember name, what happened to this guy here, was not an isolated incident
lol, it’s usually just rotted food, pressed into surfaces and not properly cleaned, uncleaned drains so your not able to properly rinse the floors and whatnot, gross but not quite that gross
the ability to scan one’s brain to unlock all the memories that i hope are still stored in there, uses would be things like knowing exactly how many times you’ve sneezed, how many sandwinches you’ve eaten, how many total minutes spent hiccuping, and you take the information and compare your stats with friends
i have this thing where when i’m focused, but switching tasks, i’ll click my tongue but it’s always the tune of nick nick nick n’nick nick nick o lo dea onnn
but, the LLM has faith!
the funniest part to me is i grew up in a ‘new age’ ‘way of living’ (“it’s not a religion, it’s a state of mind”,“it’s not a church, it’s a community center”) i only betrayed my family by becoming a christian maybe a decade ago. i remember making the conscious decision the summer between 4th and 5th grade that i would do everything in my power to be the best human being possible, better than anyone ever was, i prayed and i told god that i wouldn’t even curse, and i remember at least feeling that i had tried so hard to achieve that, and god never even made my life better, i don’t even want to linger on what could have had me so desperate and questioning at that age, but i became an out and open atheist from that point, the thing is i never stopped reading, and i never stopped questioning. Philip K Dick is one of my favourite authors, especially reading Radio Free Albemuth, and more so the actual reality of his history and what the guy went through. have you ever heard of a guy Theodore Sturgeon? i would personally recommend More Than Human and Godbody. you need to understand that the very concept and idea of such a force has been going on longer than the now western Christ, and once i chose to stop fighting humanity and to worship it instead, it made living a bit easier for me and those around me, and honestly, i absolutely hate organized religion myself, but that’s what makes the JC guy so cool once you get too know the history, the founding idea is v based, have you ever seen Life of Brian? there are more entertaining ways to spend your time on the internet when we’ll all die in the water wars, i’m only tedtalking here since i’m 2 4lokos in, christ has more carl jung points than star trek, but they achieve the same purpose
and, uh teehee you fell for the b8, m8, u mad bro??
what’s a power bottom in lesbian?