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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024


  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoComics@lemmy.mlPull over
    2 days ago

    I genuinely cannot believe that people still care about this in the year 2024.

    Like, does anyone care if people draw animal people looking cute or sexy or just with human proportions or anything in between? Does it really bother anyone or is it just fun to try to bandwagon something that freaked some housewives out in the 90’s because some inside edition episode? It’s just drawings of animal characters like have been done for literal millenia. Imagine if some of the more “notorious” disney films came out today, people would lose their minds.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzEvidence
    4 days ago

    The works of Roger Penrose have shown that it’s conceivable or potentially even provable that at the very largest scales of time and space, there is no meaningful difference between the accelerating “cold” end of our universe and the collossal expansion that began the universe as we know it, and in fact those two states are perpetually cycling, birthing new universes from the explosion of old ones. This is based on the idea that when there is no more physical mass in the universe, you can look at the universe from a reference frame that only looks at the geometry of the energy expanding through space and it’s identical to the beginning states.

    I would recommend PBS Spacetime youtube channel for a lot better explanations of conformal cyclic cosmology than my feeble mind can try to relate.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzEvidence
    4 days ago

    How do you think all the stuff managed to get there in the first place?

    You’re still thinking like a meat-monkey. There are stranger states out there than one can imagine, and that’s not hyperbole. There was no causality before expansion, because there was no meaningful interactions or spacetime in which interactions can occur.

    You’re always going to have a hard time imagining this, because again, you are a human. We all are, none of us can imagine states of the universe without time and space.

  • This is the better answer. People don’t want a bleak, colorless world, they want art that makes them feel good.

    But art isn’t something that makes you feel good necessarily. It can but it also can make you feel other things, it’s a tool for conveying feelings and ideas to someone else, it’s a type of communication. We were supposed to have been taught this as children, that art is communication and we have to be able to hear and see things that make us uncomfortable or we will never, ever succeed in life at the things we want.

    Fascists don’t want people empowered, they want people’s imagination squashed so people don’t imagine an alternative narrative to the propaganda that keeps people propping up their dear leader. All channels of communication will be controlled.

    This is some toddler-level conceptual understanding. When we start banning forms of communication then everyone should stand up and point at someone trying to undo society. This is a real threat to everything we’ve accomplished as a species.

  • Conservatism has only ever been about the most superficial of ideals.

    Many of them would have no issue at all with extending laws about gender to laws about appearance and I’m not even kidding. We have plenty of examples from right-wing governments and social trends of the past absolutely leaning into ideas like phrenology or inherent, essential qualities that go alongside things like hair and eye color.

    You should be concerned for your friend, everyone should be concerned that if allowed to mature, conservatism in the US would throw us right back into a time when people can face legal penalties for what they choose to wear, for how they express themselves, for the shape of their face and a thousand other ways they would want to police the world around them so it continues to look the way they want it to look. And too bad if you don’t look like someone who should live in that world.

  • Absolutely correct, I watched this happen to our tech team before I was also thrown in the chipper.

    And it doesn’t help that a lot of the young people trying to get into coding and tech fields are not what you would call titans of confidence and charisma, these are mostly introverted and thoughtful people who have studied most of their lives under the belief that meritocracy exists, and they can prove themselves in the business world by doing great work and being a good employee.

    Meanwhile glance over at the sales side of the building and there are people there making six figures a year who do next to nothing but party and tell lewd jokes, but are absolutely invulnerable to layoffs and downsizing as long as they can talk to clients and joke about sports with the CEO.

    The disillusionment around the business world is real and unsustainable.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzGet scattered
    9 days ago

    These are emotional people with absolutely no care or enjoyment for reason or logic or learning how the world works. I believe strongly that the way our brains develop as we grow, be it influences from environment or genes or upbringing, just can go in radically different directions. Kind of like how some people have no internal monologue, or some people can’t visualize images in their mind, I think some people can’t comprehend the world outside of a very “mystical” interpretation, even when taught how physics and evolution work, they still will see those forces as expressions of a mystical universe with a personal, subjective God who is trying to communicate with them.

    You absolutely cannot reason with this kind of perspective because it’s not one of reason. The MOST you can hope for is getting them to feel something, and in this I have only ever found common ground in things like expressions of love for the universe or the beauty of nature, but that’s like one person going to the baseball game to watch the game, and the other to eat the food.