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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024


  • There’s a reason Progressives don’t like it. It’s that same attitude that led to Biden being picked in the first place, and Clinton before him. They pick the senior person in the Party and then elevate them through donations, the Party apparatus gives them staff, email lists, endorsements, connections to media to push them up, and more to reward them for years of service.

    People are finally realizing maybe we don’t live in a great democracy just in time to lose it. At this rate, I’ll take anyone who can beat Trump. If it’s Biden I’ll take it. But I’m not sure it is…

  • Edited: I wrote a longer rest response but I feel like my long responses will distract from the main topic of the thread. So I’ll put some in spoiler text, remove the rest, and that’s all I’ll say on that. This an emotional topic and can go on forever I’m sure.

    It won’t happen if the liberals pressure him enough. That’s the thing. He’s already made some concessions in rhetoric scared of the changing narrative. We can have both Biden and a stop to a genocide with enough public pressure. The election isn’t until November. I don’t believe a genocide is the only choice as long as we live in a democracy, can build a movement, and he’s a rational candidate (which I think he is).

    Btw it's not just principles.

    People are fucking dying right now dude. It’s going to affect the Middle East, millions of refugees will head to surrounding countries, and then it will affect Europe. They will probably turn more fascist as a result, just like from their current immigration crises from Syria and Africa. Plus, now Israel is trying to start wars with Lebanon and Iran, and drag us into WIII. Plus it’s causing shipping problems in Yemen. Not to mention the Israeli Super PAC that funds conservative politicians that we allow to run rampant in our country for some reason. It goes on and on. This stuff does affect us whether you like it or not.

    In addition, this is a huge escalation over previous decades. It’s another nakba. Almost the whole population is pressed South against Egypt right now. Northern Gaza won’t be habitable for decades. It can’t get much worse. It’s too close for them to nuke, and they’ve taken out most of the hospitals and seem to have triggered a catastrophic famine. They’re killing so fast, they’re already looking to start another war before they finish this ethnic cleansing campaign so Netanyahu can stay in office.

    And still vote, I’m not saying don’t do that. I will. I’m just saying I get why other people complain about him. I’m sure they’ll still vote down ballot, and would even vote for him if he changed tact on Israel.

    I get that Project 2025 is scary, but so is Project 2029, and 3033. We shouldn’t have to accept that we’ll be an evil empire forever, always choosing between two flavors of genocidal maniac, forever cursed to enact horrible terrors on the international stage, awaiting the inevitable drop into fascism. We can use this moment to get the President to stop bowing to a foreign state that’s been troublesome to us for decades. Even Reagan had to smack Israel down.. He’s been slowly improving, and I get why other people would use this moment where a possibly sway-able Democratic President is in the office and has a looming election as leverage.

  • A genocide is actually happening however you choose to spell it or sarcastically pronounce it. It’s a serious thing. Children are dying. Millions are becoming refugees. A mass famine is spreading. It’s a perfectly reasonable line to draw to not vote for someone enabling it, especially if it can possibly pressure that person to take a better actions to save their job. It doesn’t require bad faith arguments or fake troll bots. It requires actual humans with real morals and ethics appalled by what they are seeing and who actually believe “never again” means “never again”, especially when it’s something done by their government that their voice can possibly change.

    He still has time to improve his stance, if it’s not for moral reasons or to save lives, I hope it eventually becomes to save his job and keep Trump out of office, though I’m not sure the movement will ever become big enough to affect his electoral chances with how much influence AIPAC has in our politics, and how much liberal Americans hate Trump more than genocide, so you can probably rest easy on that front.