The US Chemical Safety Board- does indepth non-politcal analysis of industrial accidents.
The US Chemical Safety Board- does indepth non-politcal analysis of industrial accidents.
Same. I hope you have an easy shift
Children’s Services
It won’t end it anymore than the 2014 agreement did. It might take it a while, but they’ll be back.
Edit-undoing phone stuff.
Thank you for doing the lords work and finding a few more pixels.
Edit-did anyone else read that in his accent?
Dating myself a bit, but Men Without Hats " Safety Dance" is a clear indicator of how much cocaine was consumed in the 80s.
Thanks for the heads up, I would have missed that.
Those pinkish purple ones are dope, nice shots
Now do Healthcare workers and teachers!
Whoops, this was supposed to be a comment reply, not a separate statement.
I do not Linux. Actually, I don’t even computer. I do everything on my phone. The Vista machine is something offline to store photos and some docs.
I’m still running Vista, what’s wrong with it?
Of course! That’s the only way to say it, all others are wrong!
Yeah, there are species of short hair sheep that aren’t used for their wool. They’re pretty neat and the ones I’ve been around were super friendly and loved pets
Nice job by the Coast Guard.
It must have snuck up on them since it wasn’t in the news much./s
I want to grow enough killer weed to tank the local economy.
Yeah, if one is so inclined,the Jenkinsverse is well worth the read.
These folks do a great job with nature shorts https://m.youtube.com/shorts/Zxf2MgYCOm0
It’s nice to think about taking your ball and going home. However, if we denigrate Texas everytime they threaten to secede we really shouldn’t be giving California a pass.
Edit- fix fat finger spelling