• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Well that’s why I said I will be asking my doctor what she uses! And I likely wont be transcribing anything professional, but I do still have my phone on me in those settings. It’s more about the fact that I don’t want my own personal notes to be automatically handed to an LLM and regurgitated out into the world without my knowledge. If it can recognize and transcribe my speech, what’s to stop it from using that to train an LLM, which in turn notoriously plagiarizes its training data?

  • I’m unable to find the original Chinese, but couldn’t “hurt national feelings” just as well be translated as “do emotional damage”? Like walking around London 1997 with a shirt that said “Princess Di deserved to die”? Now while that aint illegal in the UK (as far as I know) it’s at least a little less ridiculous to talk about trauma from events that affect a nation rather than this dismissive right-wing language of “hurt national feelings”.

    (this is not a pro-CCP comment please give me the benefit of the doubt)