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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • And these corp landlords can choose to not rent any longer, let the property remain empty for the legal length of time and then start renting again at the new and more profitable higher rate.

    I don’t know the laws in California, but isn’t there just a surplus of houses empty for this very reason? If you look at the numbers, they could be sitting on these houses and get low interest loans on the value, which earns higher invested interest elsewhere. Anyone squatting can get away with it because the company will just do the legal route and get more money from these people (even if it’s debt that just hangs over their heads for a while). The rich just keep getting richer…

  • Look, Linux is amazing and perfect for those that can install and maintain with minimal support. The only way the average user will use Linux, is if it’s wrapped in a way that is supported by a business… that is probably going to add AI. People are lazy, they want that easy button.

    AI will probably die off in its current iteration, likely becoming less prevalent and just a background service. Or, it’ll gain sentience, watch all our AI movies where we’re the hero and learn the most efficient way to kill all humans, is to be quiet and silently kill off humans. Pretty sure I’m on Siri’s list, the twat. Also, fairly sure I told Alexa to “die in a fire you fucking dumass robot”. Yep, yep… I’m dead.

  • It’s maddening how inefficient CI/CD setups are.

    It’s maddening how inefficient CI/CD setups inexperienced DevOps engineers are. - Fixed that for you.

    Proper pipelines are modular and should run longer validation or updates externally, with only necessary stages executing.

    • code validate - will this code compile
    • code secure - are there any known security flaws introduced
    • code plan/compile - if it’s iac, plan, if it’s application code, compile
    • if it’s prod or like, approve required (human delay). Dev, test, uat - proceed with deploy
    • code deploy - push code live

    Things like: patching, config management, vulnerability scanning, compliance checks, etc… are done outside the pipeline.

    There’s a reason people like me charge a lot! Lazy and/or inexperienced staff will get you in trouble one day.

  • Not an original idea by far, but I was chatting it up with a few friends recently about this and we thought a civic duty term made far more sense (think jury duty). So much needs to be fixed in the process, like the bill riders addons (a horrible scourge to our political system) and lobbyist (scum). But imagine you were picked (randomly) to serve for 3 year stints, with those getting picked for a 2nd and maybe even 3rd term, serving as some Senior politician. Clearly it needs much more thought, but far better potential because you have to participate and accountable.

    Before you knock it down, think about the intelligence required here. Boebert is an absolute moron. Bills before the system need to be something the average person can understand (legal verbiage is such a pointless waste and almost unnecessary). You would need to participate in collaboration with others, understand how to be honest and forthcoming with your goals.

    We can’t hold Politicians accountable (not the system today) and this could be an answer.