Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • It’s feels like it’s because deep down they all know ‘deport’ means ‘forced work camp’ since no country will actually take them.

    It’s so transparent and yet so few really do pause on this moment and understand the severity of what this means for this kind of talk to be normalized so soon. For a Seig Heil to be normalized so soon and excused as “misunderstood.” They have no principles, none, there is no bottom and they find a perverse joy in hurting those they have power over.

    People need to be aware of just how deep in this we are.

  • I feel that while this is true, such statements do a significant amount of whitewashing of the women who support people like Trump, which especially when it comes to white women is not an insignificant number.


    Protesters were heard shouting “shame on you” right before DeLemus was seen pointing at protesters screaming “Shame on you, shame on all of you. Shame on you, killing babies.” It then escalated to her pointing at the crowd, repeatedly screaming “You’re a murderer!”

    DeLemus also shouted, “I murdered my own baby!” referring to an abortion she had decades ago and has publicly declared her regret about in the past. In 2012, DeLemus recounted an abortion she had when a bill was up for discussion on instating a 24-hour waiting period, AP reported.


    Many anti-choice women are convinced that their need for abortion is unique — not like those “other” women — even though they have abortions for the same sorts of reasons. Anti-choice women often expect special treatment from clinic staff. Some demand an abortion immediately, wanting to skip important preliminaries such as taking a history or waiting for blood test results. Frequently, anti-abortion women will refuse counseling. Some women insist on sneaking in the back door and hiding in a room away from other patients. Others refuse to sit in the waiting room with women they call “sluts” and “trash.” Or if they do, they get angry when other patients in the waiting room talk or laugh, because it proves to them that women get abortions casually, for “convenience”.

    A few behave in a very hostile manner, such as calling clinic staff “murderers.” Years ago, a clinic counselor in British Columbia told me that one of her patients went into the procedure room apparently fine with her decision to have an abortion. During the abortion, at a stage when it was too late to stop the procedure, the woman started screaming “You murderers!” and other invectives at everyone in the room.

    While it’s very true that women’s voting and leadership tends to lead to more peaceful outcomes, there’s still sadly a significant number of women who seem almost giddy at being part of the problem, like Ginni Thomas, for example.

    This is not to mean that men aren’t still worse, they are. Just sometimes there’s attempts to treat women as all innocent victims of the controlling fascist right, and while for many that is indeed true, there’s many others where, well, I just don’t know if they’re actually a victim or a willing participant.

  • Black box algorithms should be banned.

    Social media algorithms affect society deeply.

    Why the fuck are they allowed to be black boxes instead of forced open for the scrutiny of legislators, the courts, and the public?

    Nah, instead of doing anything fucking reasonable like regulating the algorithms, we’re just gonna ban ones we don’t like.

    Are we in a simulation ? Controlled by some tech companies and political parties ?

    No we are not. I recall Marshall McLuhan telling a story about early Egypt. Originally, the power in society was with the Priest caste, because they could write (heiroglyphics). Eventually though, papyrus was invented, and the Military caste began to use it to do things like document stores, send short messages, and so on. The language on papyrus was used in every day life, the heiroglyphics were not. So, over time the power in society moved from the Priest caste to the Military caste because they were in charge of the useful communication tools.

    In the modern era, software code is quite literally language made manifest. Only a relatively small number of knowledge workers speak these lagnauges fluently, and it does give them deeper control over the world because now everything runs on computers and software code. We have handed control in society over to the techbros accidentally by centering software so much they essentially can put a gun to the head of society and say “Hey, without us, all this stuff stops working. Do as we say.”

    Traditional media/communications was our Priest caste, and the tech community is the now the new Military caste, having developed and are in control of the dominant and important communications infrastructure/language.

  • Black box algorithms should be banned.

    Social media algorithms affect society deeply.

    Why the fuck are they allowed to be black boxes instead of forced open for the scrutiny of legislators, the courts, and the public?

    Nah, instead of doing anything fucking reasonable like regulating the algorithms, we’re just gonna ban ones we don’t like.

    Are we in a simulation ? Controlled by some tech companies and political parties ?

    No we are not. I recall Marshall McLuhan telling a story about early Egypt. Originally, the power in society was with the Priest caste, because they could write (heiroglyphics). Eventually though, papyrus was invented, and the Military caste began to use it to do things like document stores, send short messages, and so on. The language on papyrus was used in every day life, the heiroglyphics were not. So, over time the power in society moved from the Priest caste to the Military caste because they were in charge of the useful communication tools.

    In the modern era, software code is quite literally language made manifest. Only a relatively small number of knowledge workers speak these lagnauges fluently, and it does give them deeper control over the world because now everything runs on computers and software code. We have handed control in society over to the techbros accidentally by centering software so much they essentially can put a gun to the head of society and say “Hey, without us, all this stuff stops working. Do as we say.”

    Traditional media/communications was our Priest caste, and the tech community is the now the new Military caste, having developed and are in control of the dominant and important communications infrastructure/language.