I consider this as a plus
I consider this as a plus
Here’s hoping for a hot oil explosion
hit me with your breakup hammer…
What McCabe should have said, probably wanted to say and would be correct in saying was that Drumph is a “Useful Idiot” to Putin
Not a chance
Seems a shame to fine someone who is handed 10’s of thousands of tax-free dollars a week (guess) such a small amount
I feel bad for the tarantula
Nice to meet you too ;-)
From the end user standpoint…my interest in reading about much less signing this petition just plummeted
correct. The one I am thinking about but can’t find pre-coffee happened in the past couple of years but I found this one from ~10 years ago (38 Million gallons): https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/04/17/304128931/one-mans-pee-pushes-portland-to-flush-38m-gallons-of-water
or the guy that pissed in the holding reservoir in Portland. The utility dumped all (I forget the exact number) 7 million gallons or so but his fine was in the thousands of dollars and not what the retail cost of that amount of water would be.
or ground-penetrating radar
Give them an award saying “Yay, you won capitalism!” then force them to retire and enjoy the rest of their life without ruining any more people’s lives.