Someone once said that emigrating is trading one set of societal issues for another. If you’re happy with the trade, awesome.
Good luck in your new homeland.
Someone once said that emigrating is trading one set of societal issues for another. If you’re happy with the trade, awesome.
Good luck in your new homeland.
The system is what it is, and the whole point of individuals voting is to change the system - or at least slow the slide into disaster. So it’s still up to individuals.
Republicans upset that nobody respects their name change? Huh. Snowflakes.
War Is Peace. Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength
Signed copy of “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” by Ian Fleming. Not really worth much. Maybe $60? But as kinda a James Bond fan I think it’s cool.
It’s really rampant, especially in games that have aim assist and controllers/controller support on PC. It’s so insanely obvious when someone is using an aim assist device…i.e. no bullet spread on a small automatic gun and hitting like a laser beam at 60 meters vs someone without has a ton of missed shots at that range. Their KDR is magnitudes of order different. They ruin a match. Unfortunately looking to get them banned doesn’t do anything, seeing as using game features buil-in by the devs is a big gray area. It’s not an aimbot or ESP, it’s using and abusing the provided aim assist.
Don’t be trite.
I really doubt it. Trump just did the obvious, grabbed the low hanging fruit, and contradicted the Biden administration because that’s all he can do. No conspiracy needed; that would afford trump forethought and cunning he isn’t capable of. He can’t think past his next Big Mac or tweet.
Because they made him look bad, contradicted him, and kept track of how bad the pandemic got.
It should be wildly apparent that trump hates oversight - anyone keeping track of anything he’s even tangentially involved or interested in - far more so if it makes him look bad.
That’s a ridiculous argument. You saw how many people voted out of the total number of eligible voters, and how many of them sat out because not voting for a democrat was more important to them than ending up with trump.
And that was just voting, a few minutes or hours out of one day out of the year, and here you are mocking someone suggesting that massive numbers of people will refuse to band together for months or longer to wreck the economy while inconveniencing themselves materially? Dude’s right all day long, your comment is pointless.
Same for the “establishment Democrats suck so I didn’t vote” as well. Because trump is so much better.
I have a feeling it’s no different than supporting televangelists. People trying to vicariously buy their fake jesus a victory, and buy their way to heaven by doing so.
Typical conservative reply: it’s your fault you’re offended that I was an asshole.
Like a poisonous wet sock.
The new NFT. Buy this all but useless image.
Grifting as a day job. Goddamn who are the morons buying this shit and propping up this thievery.
Iranian hostages anyone? Look how trump saved the day. He gives them their bread and circuses.
Have kids. The only regret is the world we brought them into. Wouldn’t trade them for anything. But we have many fears about their future. We still thought the world could be saved with recycling and buying efficient cars. Dubya was an anomaly. Things would return to their boring 1990’s progression. Not anymore.
Climate change is essentially unstoppable at this point, the only choices are how bad it will be. Politics globally seem to be shifting to right wing populism, nationalism, fascism. Good luck if your kids aren’t straight, white males. Economically the system stopped making sense. Worthless companies worth billions. Billionaires with private space programs. A new gilded age with widening disparity. Companies literally paying homage to the new “king” hoping for some kind of investiture or favor.
E: point being the world is pointed in an objectively worse direction.
Protesting the incoming kleptocratic, kakistocratic oligarchy. Not the democracy they want to do away with.
That is a valid choice.