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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzMythbusters
    3 days ago

    My favorite is the fan mounted to the boat blowing the sail causing the boat to move. I mean there are a shitload more experiments in fun episodes that are far better and more entertaining, but this one is my favorite because it flies in the face of logic. It shouldn’t work. My brain rejects the possibility. But physics and fluid flow work otherwise and I found it pointlessly infuriating only because I’d been unassailable in my confidence that it couldn’t possibly work. Yet there it is with a perfectly logical explanation. I still find it irritating even if I accept the reality of it. (Episode 165 if anyone’s wondering)

    That said, I still follow Adam on various platforms. That enthusiasm and joy of discovery is all still there, along with some maturity and some life observations. Literally the only celebrity figure I follow.

  • RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzAcademia to Industry
    6 days ago

    So copying everyone else’s work and rehashing it as your own is what makes a PhD level intelligence? (Sarcastic comments about post-grad work forthcoming, I’m sure)

    Unless AI is able to come up with original, testable, verifiable, repeatable previously unknown associations, facts, theories, etc. of sufficient complexity it’s not PhD level…using big words doesn’t count either.

  • I understand there’s a right way to do it, but allow me to assure that the two murky trays behind this bar were not acceptable by any means. I didn’t want to get too graphic, but glasses went from the customer hand, a quick slosh and a rub in liquids that would make any civilized health department shriek, wiped “dry” with a filthy rag that had just wiped the bar top, filled with the next drink and handed to the next customer.

    This is the kind of stuff where you see it in a movie like so: the scoundrel hero walks into a dive bar in the spaceport, orders a drink, the camera makes sure you see the pustulent, greasy alien clean the vessel using the above process. The alien pours a questionable liquid into it, and slides it to the observing hero who has been keeping a stone-faced expression but for a hint of discomposure as he receives the drink. After the briefest pause in frame to let you know he questions what he is about to do, he downs the beverage. You can’t help but cringe along with the hero and think licking the alien might have been safer.

    (Am not comparing or suggesting Montenegrins are in any way shape or form like the hypothetical alien)

  • Repeatedly? Unapologetically? Will continue to do so for personal gain? Apparently all the republicans are thieves literally trying to steal an election, murderers (running over protesters? Letting people drown at the border? Sooting people for pulling into the wrong driveway or knocking on the wrong door?), engaging in idolatry of the Republican Party and the flag, telling lies about their lgbtq and minority neighbors how they’re all rapists and muderers, putting kids and everyone else to work 7 days a week to keep Supply Side Jesus happy…

    I dunno about honoring the father and mother? Keeping the racism, generational trauma, and subjugated woman themes going just like Mom and Dad?

    Covet? Dunno what to do with that one…maybe the fact that others have rights, slowly escalating equality, and relief from burdens like student loans or hunger by free school lunches. The republicans want to take it all away.

    The conservative Ten Commandments.