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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • Xournal lets you paint on a document, which I guess isn’t what they need when they talk about legal stuff. Digitally signing a document is still one of the rare cases where I boot up my windows vm. It’s so annoying that there’s practically no way to do that in Linux as my company’s processes rely on it.

  • Dude, Arafat recognised Israel in '93 as head of the PLO. All that would have been left was this:

    Israel just needs to return to its 1967 borders and recall all the illegal settlers

    Guess what they didn’t.

    Your simple “all that would need to be done” remark was fulfilled by the Palestinians 30 years ago. This whole argument of “Hamas just needs to recognise Israel” is literally decades behind, we’ve been there but Israel just didn’t do their part. I’m not saying Hamas isn’t a terrorist bunch of fucks and the October 7th attacks were obviously vile, inhumane terror. But your “solution” was already unilaterally rejected by Israel, so please come up with something better if you’re seriously suggesting this “both sides need to calm down” crap.

  • I really don’t get why the time machine would have to do any calculations at all. The time machine is in this reference frame. You seem to assume that by going back through time you’d be teleporting through time, which leaves the open question of where you’d appear. However, I’d much rather assume that you’d actually be “going” through time. You wouldn’t cease to exist until you reappeared somewhere. Instead you’d be in the machine for some time until you’d get out of the machine again. That’d mean neither you nor the machine ever leave the reference frame.