Because those kids are not rich.
Because those kids are not rich.
Somebody lost someone and they correctly identified the person most guilty. That is what these people and their undeserved money fear. They fear when the riots start the people don’t trash their neighborhood for once but seek out those to blame and trash them. That is when you will see gun control become a priority.
The best routers don’t have any WiFi.
In a decent moral world that would be the result but we live in this indecent immoral world.
It was the runt of the litter and didn’t survive full planet hood.
I have a fourth generation I7 with 8gb of ram running pfsense. Its free and you can’t beat it for baked in capabilities. I run pfblocker ng and snort to block ads maleware and useless(to me) telemety that my non linux machines send in regularly. Microsoft, Amazon and others. I also have wiregurad for vpn access to my home. You can also install the ntopng package and get really good realtime information on what is going on on your network. For years I used open wrt but the two don’t really compare. If you had to compare, openwrt is like a geo metro and pfsense is like a sports car.
a new non dlink router. Since the should be named f-link for a number of reasons.
The crats are too stupid to see thats why people stayed at home instead of voting for harris.
I love these type of arguments. The idea that only the really stupid and the really smart are right. That the majority is collective stupid.
Nah, both were born in 1968. Early gen X.
At paper mills the fear is caustic pools filled with bases.
The regular ones will kill you as well. Boiling water on a stove is nothing compared to steam under pressure.
You want to see weird water look up super critical boilers. That stuff was nasty. A regular steam leak will set things on fire. That stuff would explode a broom. We looked for the leaks with straw brooms. You can’t see steam in normal conditions. Only its effects.
I’ve started removing trash sites. I blocked twatter and reddit at my router.
No, no! Dogshit sometimes fertilizes and promotes growth. Microsoft teams is poison.
Fools never see evil until its at their door.
Give them the respect they deserve. Lie to them and vote as you please.
I have always had a very good map of my surroundings in mind. I’m pretty sure it applies in the water. Once during some water rescue training they had a class where they gave us opaque googles and spun us in the water so we could experience what it would be like in dark murky water with no sight reference. No matter what they did the second they let go of me I shot straight for the surface. It really bothered the instructor that I could do that. He wasn’t really happy with my beating his best time underwater on one breath contest by two minutes. He shouldn’t have bragged beforehand then everyone wouldn’t have known.