• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • I want one to get beer from the fridge to the couch. I could move the fridge next to the couch, but if a pneumatic system is an option, I assume I don’t have to explain which would be the better choice by a land slide. Cool beers on the couch, in the garden, in the bath tub, etc. I could fire my wife.

    Of course I’m joking, I would never exchange my wife for a pneumatic tube system. I don’t have a wife.

  • I’ve had it for about 8 years. Those years were a treat. “oh hi! We just created another product which would make your life easier and more safe. We just added it to your prescription for free. Have a nice day!” I started with free email, I started paying when they introduced vpn. They just keep on delivering, year after year, they never disappointed me with any decision they made. I just wish there were more companies like proton: creating the best product they can, for the good of the customer and for society.

  • He said that, and other cases, confirmed suspicions that Assange was still linked to Wikileaks. The president also accused Assange of having installed forbidden “electronic and distortion equipment” and of accessing the embassy’s security files.

    There was also the suspicion that Wikileaks was linked to an anonymous website that said the president’s brother had created an offshore company, and leaked material included private pictures of President Moreno and his family. Mr Moreno denies any wrongdoing.


    His dramatic expulsion from the embassy follows a year of ratcheting tension between Assange and his Ecuadorian hosts, culminating in WikiLeaks publicizing a leak of hundreds of thousands of hacked emails mysteriously stolen from the inboxes of Ecuador’s president and first lady.


  • Assange fled to a consulate in London. After years of annoying everyone in that small building he thought it would be smart to unveil sensitive information on the government of that consulate. So, they kicked him out by letting the British police in, now he’s getting prison time because fuck freedom of press apparently. Snowden fled to Russia. He would have never seen the light of day if they would have cought him. Probably Guantanamo Bay torture for the rest of his life. So their situations are different, I don’t know why that would make a difference to the trust in them.

    Both have a strong moral compass, otherwise they wouldn’t have done what they did.

    I’d rather trust and believe whistleblowers with a very strong moral compass, acting in the interest of the general public, then big tech companies hoarding in our data, breaking copyright and privacy, all for those tasty billions. Those companies only have a moral code towards their own bank account.

  • Bij mij zijn er ooit 12 getrokken (melk). 1e keer 2 tanden, 2e keer 4 kiezen, 3e keer 4 tanden en 2 kiezen. Ik leef met je mee.

    Qua reizen: ja, in hostels ontmoet je andere reizigers. Ikzelf ben autistisch, ik heb mijn eigen ruimte en rust nodig. Een prikkelarme plek als ik even teveel input heb gehad. Reizen is achter elkaar nieuwe indrukken, rust om die te verwerken is prettig. Ik zou lekker doen waar je zelf behoefte aan hebt. Begin met Airbnb, kijk hoe het bevalt qua reizen en energie. Pak een keer een hostel om te proberen wanneer je je daar goed genoeg voor voelt. Bevalt het, doe je het vaker. Bevalt het niet, nou, lijkt me dan duidelijk.

    Qua ouders: ze bedoelen het altijd goed, ze hebben het beste met je voor, maar uiteindelijk weet je zelf het beste wat je prettig vindt. Het is jouw reis. Ook zonder hostels ontmoet je mensen.

    Heel veel plezier alvast! Waar ga je allemaal heen?