This is legit the first time I’ve heard of Cyprus not being European
This is legit the first time I’ve heard of Cyprus not being European
And second and secondmost, I blame the anti-Trump non-voters. The GOP only lost about 2 million from 2020, but the Democrats lost about 14 million. I know they’re not all accounted for but that is a MUCH larger swathe from blue than red. Obviously some switched sides for their own reasons but basically there are maybe 10 million voters who decided that voting for the lesser of two evils wasn’t on their agenda and did nothing. Disappointing.
Edit: obviously I blame all the propaganda from the billionaires/wealthy media/foreign interference etc too (and moreso), but let’s take that as read.
The Indian ocean isn’t a desert
And I’ve never seen Australia, therefore it doesn’t exist
So many people conflate BBC’s news with its comedies
The shows tend to be leftwing. The news does shit like this: —
I’m not sure why I thought that
…get as much sleep as I humanly can, try to feed myself healthier food (and more regularly), develop my hobbies (mini painting, playing the bass, sketching, writing), re-establish a semblance of a social life by exploring the city and its options, spending more time with friends… Pretty much just living life.
That’s not nothing!
Heat death would be my assumption, so between about 10^100 and 10^106 years
I remember reading something years ago about an ex troll, he said he’d do it because getting attention, even negative attention, made him feel happy. I honestly think half the time they’re just depressed and don’t know to elicit positive interaction.
I don’t know exactly what to do with this knowledge, btw.
The Room
ass business
Every cloud
I think he meant to reply to the other person
I think about leetspeak every time I notice the time is 13:37
I always get the impression the average user is a millennial
that happiness should not come at the others’ expense.
Wdym by this — do fat people’s existence typically necessitate others’ unhappiness?
Top tier title OP
Anyone else find it weird how articles often tend to add the parental status of the subject in the title?
“They would have been pulled up to a castle, maybe 200-300m away and they could have launched rocks, boulders and flaming boulders into castles,”…
OOTL foreigner here. When were the other 2 times?