• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023

  • As long as it is not dryied yet

    The law doesn’t make a distinction between dried or not dried. This is only used for measurement. It only distinguishes between alive and dead.

    Just cook it out for example.

    It’s still a dead cannabis plant.

    This law makes no sense in this regard. Allowing three plants just so you have to destroy two an a half of them.

    And at one point in time you will be in possession of an illegal amount of cannabis. Even if it is for a short period of time. Sure, you probably won’t be caught but it still seems to be illegal according to CanG

  • You are allowed to posses 3 plants + 50g consume ready product.

    Sure. As long as the 3 plants are alive:

    § 3, Abs 2 CanG reads:

    Personen, die das 18. Lebensjahr vollendet haben, ist abweichend von Absatz 1 im Geltungsbereich dieses Gesetzes an ihrem Wohnsitz oder an ihrem gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt der Besitz von Cannabis wie folgt erlaubt:

    (1) von bis zu 50 Gramm Cannabis, bei Blüten, blütennahen Blättern oder sonstigem Pflanzenmaterial der Cannabispflanze bezogen auf das Gewicht nach dem Trocknen, und

    (2) von bis zu drei lebenden Cannabispflanzen


    Translated by Google:

    By way of derogation from paragraph 1, persons who have reached the age of 18 shall be permitted to possess cannabis at their domicile or habitual residence within the scope of this Act as follows:

    (1) up to 50 grams of cannabis, in the case of flowers, near-flower leaves or other plant material of the cannabis plant in relation to the weight after drying, and

    (2) of up to three live cannabis plants

    That is 3 plants that are alive(!). If I’m harvesting or the plant dies of other causes, the plant is no longer alive and I’m suddenly in the possession of much more than the 50 grams allowed by law (and the whole plant counts, not just the buds).

  • I had a very quick look at the law. It’s a first step. Better than nothing and long overdue. I’m thankful but the law itself seems to be in part contradictory.

    I.e.: I’m allowed to grow three cannabis plants. Sounds good? I’m additionally not allowed to own more than 50 grams of cannabis plant material (buds, leafs and stem). How should i even grow a single cannabis plant without making myself culpable?

    I guess we’ll have to wait and see how these contradictions are handled by the courts.