Here from Reddit–might stay a while.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Because the cult is about the man, not the idea. Ron DeSantis tried to be just that (not saying he holds any of those qualities that you mentioned, just that he tried) and failed because no one cares about what Trump actually stands for (when you listen to Trump supporters talk about him, you’d think they would actually vote for democrats considering the issues they bring up—barring the worst of the worst racist, homophobic deranged individuals of course). At the end of the day, they just care about their god-lord little-hand long-tie orange-faced crybaby and the made-up grievances he’s had to endure and how that somehow translates to their own impending persecution.

    The reason the Democratic Party hasn’t does that is they hold the monopoly on milquetoast impotence in governing, as their corporate overlords have decreed.

  • Welcome to investor-stage capitalism where nothing is worth anything other than to the brief returns for the investor. If the investor has not made marginal profit it is time to kill, kill, kill, regardless of the product; be that a studio, a game, a food, a medicine, a house. Better burn it to the ground than risk any marginal loss. (Ignore of course the lack of product, content, value, etc that would actually entice someone to buy—the only reason a company should exist is to give money to investors—no product should come before that!)