Honestly, I am mostly here for fun. If you see me writing some outrageous shit, most probably did so to see reactions of people.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Most people who don’t know their stuff uses nvidia. Happily slowly changing, but nvidia is everywhere, at least where I live. And people who don’t know stuff still hold onto “green good, red hot and bad”.

    How do you break Windows except by downloading malware? It literally hides, or rather masquarades it’s settings from you and makes it hard to do anything bad to it. My grandpa uses Windows - I thought about introducing him to linux to breathe second life into his PC but…I doubt he would be able to do much with it. I cede point towards Android.

    How is Win 11 new default? I may be out of the loop, but is it now majorly used? If so, I cede all because the only time I tried to use it, goddamn first-time registration died on me. Like, fully. Unfixable. What a mess.

    And yeah, again, the boot bricking isn’t on linux it’s just me being an idiot. Also I love how fast you picked up how I broke the boot.

  • Demdaru@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldThe fix is scheduled for the next release
    2 months ago

    It doesn’t have to, but for most users on the level of teens/kids it is. You wanna do something in windows? Done. Just done. No problems whatsoever, most devs bend over backwards for compatibility. Meanwhile finding shit for linux is pain. Most things you heard of are not even there. You have to go through weird apps just to run things you’re used to, and meanwhile OS asks weird questions like which graphic driver to install,

    Linux changed a whole lot from the time I was introduced to it, and it became reaaaaally close to being as easy to use as windows. Hell, I even was considering switching to Mint some time ago ( Then bricked my boot. Thrice. And it’s not fault of Linux. I think. ). I like how it looks and feels, and with proton and stuff it’s best time to do so but it still isn’t on the same level of being non-problematic as windows.

    Edit: Cannot talk about Win 11. Touched it once. If I need to upgrade, fuck that, going linux. Not worth it. At all.

  • Was introduced as a teen. Recently even looked back at my book from the times and it had a whole goddamn chapter with linux propaganda.

    Hated it. Felt like high maintenance windows. No reason to even get near. Also, hated it doubly because nobody asked.

    Best way would be to switch school computers to linux. That way there’s no active part - it’s here, you have to use it anyway, deal with it. Then you can taste it neutrally, and it becomes just a quirk. Quirk some may like.

  • Not a problem at all, written medium and Lemmy likes to shove a buttload of characters in header so it’s actually quite hard to notice who you are responding to. ^^

    And meh. I knew what I was getting into when I wrote my comment. Wanted to see if it’s gonna go reddit way or some other way. Sad to see it going reddit way, but people are people I guess.

    Well, I can pretty much tell you that I most probably didn’t meet any IRL. My country is…let’s say a little old timey in that regard. I think, alas I may be wrong, that if I meet and befriended some my strong reaction may lessen, though I think it wouldn’t entirely dissapear. And again, I cannot track it to outside variables - wasn’t raised in hateful enviro towards trans, didn’t participate in community that hates trans, and I am not a right winger sooo…yeah. Lack of vectors that would be responsible of repulsion, at least outside ones. Now, inside ones…I observed I do have tendency of sticking to the rules and "should"s a little too much, so it may come from applying that to sex - gender connection. Especially that in my native language there isn’t different word for gender - both sex and gender are the same word. So yeah. I am not confused about them however. There’s nothing confusing there. They were born as sex X, but feel as gender Y, so they are distressed. And hell, most of them can be cured by physically altering sex. Nothing to be confused about. Still, for my emotional part at least, it’s unnatural and repulsive.

    I think you can notice that I do actually slightly obsess about knowing myself too lol. How else I am to move forward if not by learning what makes me tick, eh? ^^

  • Funniest part of reading this all is that I am repulsed by trans folk. Sorry, that’s just that. However I do believe that they should have the right to be. Like, just be - happy, yourself, who cares what others think/feel, they aren’t kidnapping anyone to turn them trans, they are doing stuff to themselves only. Sheesh.

    But I do still perceive myself in negative light due to that repulsion. And then I see news what happens in USA and I am like, whaaaa. Cuz even if I did act upon that repulsion, that’s going weird way. Like, there’s no any try at helping. It’s not “Ew, unnatural, we need to fix their psyche” (WHICH IS EVIL) or “Ew, they need reaffirmation about their sex!” (…which is barely better). No, straight up “Trans should go on without any kind of help”. Why? Wtf. xD

    Edit: Hell, even worse. Trans should be persecuted for having feelings/perceptions not dependent on their own volition. Yay. Wtf is wrong with people.