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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • ColeSloth@discuss.tchncs.detoScience Memes@mander.xyzI just cited myself.
    3 hours ago

    I’d just say that not all fractions can be broken down into a proper decimal for a whole number, just like pie never actually ends. We just stop and say it’s close enough to not be important. Need to know about a circle on your whiteboard? 3.14 is accurate enough. Need the entire observable universe measured to within a single atoms worth of accuracy? It only takes 39 digits after the 3.

  • Then they’d have to pay them more.

    There’s still tons of places that police, firefighters, and EMT’s, like $35k a year starting. Everyone always talks about teachers not making enough, but forgets about the people who show up in 5 minutes in the middle of the night because you called 911 and have no idea what to do and need to get help fast. Firefighters and emts are exploited because of a love of the job and what it means to them. Police are often not of that same track. If you don’t want to just attract the guy who wants to walk around looking for trouble and have a gun, you’ll have to make it worth the money.

  • Googles find my device network has been live for a couple of months now, after it was delayed (supposedly waiting on Apple) for like a year. Two other companies released trackers around the end of March. There’s a few more sold in non US markets. Moto saying they’ll have a tracker for sale in the coming months while others have already left the gate would be the slow poke part. There was a huge amount of info about the find my device network rollout. Moto really should have done this and been selling it already. It’s a copy of what’s already available.

  • What I meant by “what if it wasn’t the first big bang?”, was that what if it wasn’t the first of our own universe? I mean what if space will at some point stop expanding and start contracting. Pull everything back close together again. Then theres another expansion just like what we’re currently in now. The best scientists, physicists, and mathematicians haven’t been able to work out a lot of major thing about our universe or how it works or even if it’s flat or folded in on itself yet. The data and tests/measurements don’t exist yet. So until that can get worked out into a theory, it’s silly to say time began at the expansion.

  • ColeSloth@discuss.tchncs.detoScience Memes@mander.xyzEvidence
    2 days ago

    Physicists don’t even know why it started expanding to begin with. We also don’t know if there’s anything outside of our own universe. We also don’t know if our universe is curved and folded in on itself, which would make several mathematical calculations for the size of the universe and what was going on with expansion a bit easier to try and work out (I’m also not a physicist. These are just things ive read about) or if it’s flat. Their best measurements right now is that it’s flat. But they still aren’t sure, because they don’t know how big space actually is right now. If it’s big enough, it could still be curved in on itself, but we just can’t measure the flatness of two points far enough apart from each other to notice the curve. An example I given was that it would be like trying to show the earth was round by measuring an area of a sandbox.

  • There’s no evidence to point to the big bang as being the very beginning, though. There may well have been a billion big bangs before this one. Each one taking so long to reset and start anew that to us, it might as well be seen as about infinity. Humanity outright doesn’t have the knowledge of what happens on extremely large or extremely small scales. We don’t really have a clue for what actually made space start to expand in the first place, so we don’t know if it’s ever happened before, or even if it happened anywhere else at any other time but outside of our observable universe.