
  • 39 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 10th, 2024


  • I posted my history as a response to @Technus. I know about --no-install-recommends but that’s an apt(1) switch. How can I do that with dpkg(1)? Check my history, I’ve been building more than I have been installing lately. Like, for a long time I have been looking for a ‘useful’ language to make, and then I remembered that there’s a swath of programmers in my country who are addicted to Delphi, and Nkki W. has not pushed to Pascal upstream since 1974. So I decided to host a Pascal on JVM. I made ANTLR. But then, it kept complaining that some targets fail, so I had to remove them from pom.xml. I myself am new to Java toolchain tbqh. I think one language that most people build from source is NodeJS. NodejS toolchain is not as good as say, Ruby’s or Guile’s, but it’s good enough and easy to use.
