And they spend hours “studying” their nonsense, and when they come up for air to ask a question because none of it makes sense, of course, the other sovcits just tell them they need to study. It’s a game of chicken really.
And she’s quite prominent among sovcits as one of their gurus too.
Oh he’s definitely on his way. There are many paths to sovcittery.
Well then I’m virtue signalling, fuckface. I deleted all the Meta platforms I used, save for my fake white supremacist Facebook account because I use that to tell the employers of Nazis that a Nazi works for them. I am done with my personal accounts though.
One of them had a store but decided not to renew her business license and was only going to “operate in the private”. Didn’t last long.
Well that makes two of us. Aren’t the machinations of their brains something else?
His brain is cooking!
And they always seem so surprised!
No it’s actually some guy. She eventually found out who he was and he had some charge in the past so she’s sure that means he’s after her son.
I would like someone to do a functional MRI of a sovereign citizen to see how that brain processes.
Amanda Palmer also routinely didn’t pay musicians and other people who worked for her, and defended Jian Ghomeshi the sex predator and abuser. She also faked her own suicide to record her then boyfriend’s reaction, who them died of suicide six months later.
Ambien. I know that it’s not great but unfortunately it’s more complex for me than just sleep, so it’s necessary. I don’t think I’d ever sleep again without it. Wow can you do some weird things on Ambien if you don’t put your phone away.
It’s like looking after you have a bowel movement. It’s normal.
Cannabis can actually lower your IQ, kick off schizophrenia and depersonalization disorder, and put you in the ER with hyperemesis. Heavy use isn’t great.
I’ve been sick for six weeks so all of January has been an endless round of trying to work, not being able to work, and going to the doctor for another note for work. I might have atypical whooping cough and am waiting for results. I do not have a cough but my immunologist friend tells me the spectrum of symptoms is wide, and it doesn’t always include coughing. I am vaccinated of course. But yeah, 14 days of January of not being able to talk above a whisper is fun.
My elderly pug getting up with a frantic look on his face that means we have under a minute to get him outside. Aging is not easy in a dog.
I like my job, I like my patients, I do my job, but sometimes when a patient is ranting in my ear about the same confabulated complaints they call with every week, am I playing a video game on my phone and not listening? Yes. But I do a good job.
I’m 50, old enough to remember when we didn’t have answering machines or call waiting or anything, and yet I can’t go to the kitchen to stir my tea without my phone. I’m not saying it’s good. To be fair I do read a lot of books on it though.
This one is from 2001 and is about how the pornography trade was getting increasingly violent, interesting to read in a post internet porn world.
She’s one of their gurus and spreads this shit far and wide.