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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • His mom is in assisted living, not a nursing home. My mom is also in assisted living. She’s got a stove in her apartment, she can cook her own meals if she wants to! Until recently, she could drive herself to Walmart if she felt like it. She has decorated her apartment in her own style because–get this–it’s her home!!

    Plus he hasn’t said one thing about pointing a camera at his mother’s bathroom!

    It is her home. How disheartening to see you think it isn’t.

  • I do not know where I got this from, but I thought all dogs were male and all cats were female. I thought this while I had a dog named Betsy and a cat named Sebastian.

    If that’s not bad enough on its own, I think I was in first or second grade when I learned the surprising truth. I wasn’t a dumb kid, either. I learned to read when I was about 3.5 yrs old and started 1st grade as a 5 yr old.

    I’m now in my 70s and I still can’t figure out where I got that from!

  • Are you living life on your own and making it ok? Are the voices/conversations interfering with what you want or need to do? Are they interfering with your relationships?

    That’s a lot of questions, but my nephew would have answered No to the first question and Yes to the others. He’s a diagnosed schizophrenic, and I’m telling you about him because getting on meds turned his life around. He’s working now, has an apartment and is maintaining relationships.

    I know it’s frightening, but you’ve had two doctors diagnose you. It might be worth trying the meds. Ask if there are programs that can help you pay.

    I hope things work out for you.

  • That’s what it took to get to the fetus and remove it. And they’re blaming her for not doing it. There she was with a partially retained placenta, in danger of bleeding out, and she had the nerve to leave her toilet intact in order to obtain timely life saving health care.

    And don’t forget, she’d been to the hospital multiple times and left because she wasn’t receiving care…all hospital caregivers and ‘legal teams’ were too busy trying to figure out if they could legally remove a dead fetus; they wouldn’t do what needed to be done. Just left her sitting there while they argued intent of the law versus letter of the law.

    “She put the fetus into the toilet.” No, she didn’t. The fetus was expelled into the toilet, along with bodily waste. She tried to get everything out, but she couldn’t.

    “She then went about her day.” No, she didn’t. She went to the hospital. She was bleeding (probably heavily) due to part of the placenta being left attached.

    That’s just two of the twisted statements the prosecutor has made in order to make this woman look like a heartless SOB.

    It’s gone too far, and short of removing Republicans from office and justices from the court, I don’t know what we can do. They are prosecuting this woman to punish her for miscarrying in an inconvenient place.

    It’s worth mentioning that just 11 days earlier, had her miscarriage happened at the hospital, it would have been disposed of as medical waste…incinerated. 11 freaking days, and the state is criminalizing her.