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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I think I tried emudeck and it wouldn’t install. But that wasn’t their issue (turned out to be a regression upstream).

    I think I had stuttering sound in audio too. But that’s via HDMI.

    Spdif no issue

    I also used another gaming distro though so might be confusing them

    They should absolutely keep developing it. It will only get better, and I’m a unique case because I’ve been using Linux probably since 1998 or so.

    But I feel they make things a bit more custom, and it will only get better. It has a lot of potential, and is probably the best option already for many people

  • That’s the biggest issue

    There are so many people in the community who attack developers.

    I had a open source project which I started, it got a lot of media attention but I gave it up because so much of the community is toxic and just made me feel unsure about developing the idea further.

    And lots of other developers are the same. Even with Lemmy, people weren’t going to contribute, but they targeted the developers political beliefs.

    And I see so much crap talking on Lemmy here because developers choose to use GitHub or discord. If you don’t like that, contribute to the project, but don’t try to dictate the project you have no involvement in

  • I disagree… The problem actually is that Wayland is optional, and still is.

    So everyone was dragging their heels (and some still are). If all the major distro’s set a cut off date, then things would speed up. The biggest reason for delay was Nvidia imho, so now that they’re sorted, it seems things are falling into place faster.

    X11 still hasn’t solved any of their real issues, and its still a security nightmare (which can’t be fixed). Furthermore, most of the developers have moved off it.

    What exactly do you like about X11?

  • It’s NOT a slippery slope. You just define the bounds lol

    International laws already exist for a lot of things

    Again, if its your family, suddenly people like you care.

    It’s like freedom to carry guns in the US… That is working out SO WELL, and the NRA will argue that once you take away guns, it’s a slippery slope, the government will control you, etc. None of that happens.

    The slippery slope argument doesn’t really work well, and throughout the years, people have used it to argue against everything from seat belts, to restrictions on kids toys

  • What if its Child porn or revenge porn?

    Or a video of your wife being tortured or raped? Suddenly its not ok? What happens if the family of the victims don’t want it up? They don’t want to be reminded of that shit. You say this only because it doesn’t affect you in this case and it’s not your family

    it DOES affect me because I’m in Australia, and we don’t want copycat dickheads. We don’t want school shooting 5x a week, and we don’t want organisations like the NRA coming to australia and using this shit as an excuse for everyone to arm themselves. The worlds worst extremists dickheads love pushing videos like this because it helps their agenda.

    There’s no incentive for Elon to take any of this stuff down either… It profits him. It’s funny that people like Elon have a cry about people tracking his plane and gets what he wants and everyone calls him a nutjob… But, then he profits from stuff that has REAL consequences that affects everyone, and he is defended.

    What about the US where Trump used inflamatory language on social media which led to an attempt to the overthrow of the government.

    Lets not pretend, this is about freedom of speech. This is explicitly because its not profitable to censor posts. Elon can pretend like he’s the good guy in this case and keep all the people who want it to be kept up, and all the people who want it down. Why do you think X seems to be the preferred platform for bigots and nazi’s? It would be good if we could see how much profit they were generating for him

    There needs to be some international rules about some of this stuff. I’m not saying blanket ban for everything, but, there should at least be rules where people are harmed, torture, or violence is encouraged