Ms. ArmoredThirteen

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I’m on appeal #3 right now with my insurance for something they told me would be 100% covered. I’m getting my doctor in on it to do a peer to peer. He sounded so fed up with everything he was like “it’s probably some retired pediatrician who doesn’t know anything about what you need” when talking about who he’d need to talk with. If this one doesn’t work then I’m on to the “threaten to sue” stage which I’m not excited about. The whole thing is a mess and the process and money that’s gone into it would have easily bankrupted or put me homeless at most previous times in my life

  • What about a bash script that calls your CI/CD because the system is so old and complex anyone learning how to use it immediately builds a 1-off tool to hide what they don’t need but then everyone starts relying on that 1-off bash script so you extend the functionality then replace it with a proper tool then let that rot so you need a new bash script to call that to hide the useless parts?

  • My favorite tactic used by several of the coffee shops near me is they start slowly turning the music louder. People naturally start leaving once it’s too loud to think or talk. Place I used to work at we’d turn off half the lights and everyone would just show up at the register no confrontation needed. People were fine with it a vast majority of the time but occasionally there would be someone who asked us to turn the lights back on so they could keep shopping