• Shareni@programming.dev
    3 months ago
    1. Not crashing / requiring intervention to keep running.

    The word you’re looking for is reliability, not stability.

      • Shareni@programming.dev
        3 months ago

        Let me try that: “my car is so stable, it always starts on the first try”, “this knife is unstable, it broke when I was cutting a sausage”, “elephants are very reliable, you can’t tip them over”, “these foundations are unreliable, the house is tilting”

        Strange, it’s almost like the word “stability” has something to do with not moving or changing, and “reliability” something to do with working or behaving as expected.

        Languages generally develop to be more precise because using a word with 20 different meanings is not a good idea. Meanwhile, native English speakers are working hard to revert back to cavemen grunts, and so now for example “literally” also means “metaphorically”. Failing education and a lacking vocabulary are like that.

        • Kata1yst@kbin.social
          3 months ago

          Amazingly, for someone so eager to give a lesson in linguistics, you managed to ignore literal definitions of the words in question and entirely skip relevant information in my (quite short) reply.

          Both are widely used in that context. Language is like that.

          Further, the textbook definition of Stability-

          the quality, state, or degree of being stable: such as

          a: the strength to stand or endure : firmness

          b: the property of a body that causes it when disturbed from a condition of equilibrium or steady motion to develop forces or moments that restore the original condition

          c: resistance to chemical change or to physical disintegration

          Pay particular attention to “b”.

          The state of my system is “running”. Something changes. If the system doesn’t continue to be state “running”, the system is unstable BY TEXTBOOK DEFINITION.