@asklemmy What is up with people creating Communities and then not even posting a single post in them?

Like wouldn’t you want to be able to grow a community by doing a post here and there, even just a welcome post to say why you created the community would make sense wouldn’t it?

  • wazoobonkerbrain@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I came to lemmy.world over a year ago hoping to replace my favorite subreddit. I found that the community had already been created, but there was no logo, sidebar, or activity. The moderator of that community had reserved multiple other communities. I began posting to the community in the hopes of generating activity, and I messaged the mod offering to help with moderation. The mod did not respond, so I messaged lemmy.world admin to say that this mod appeared to be squatting on the community name - I pointed out that the mod had created neither logo nor sidebar. Admin contacted the mod, who immediately banned me from the community. They gave the reason as “spam” but obviously the real reason was to retaliate against me for having contacted lemmy.world admin. The mod filled out the sidebar (a copy/paste from the reddit sidebar), this was obviously only in response to the concerns that I had raised. After an appeal to lemmy.world admin, my ban was repealed. Nothing else changed. At the time I discussed the situation here:

    What to do regarding “community hoarders”?

    Now, over a year later, the community is still pretty much dead. The newest post is 12 days old. The same mod is still there, he mods 20 unrelated communities and has no interest in mine.

    • Serinus@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      This is one of your first comments in nine months. Generally we look for more activity than that before granting a mod request. What are you suggesting we do about it? Remove the current mod and replace them with… ?

      You can help grow the community without being a mod. If they’re taking unfair action against you, come talk to us (as you have). If they’re afk, that doesn’t stop the community from growing.

      Community hoarding would certainly be a point against them in any discussions, but first there has to be a discussion.