• captainlezbian@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Yeah musk wanted to believe he’s persecuted for standing up for his beliefs. Ms. Manning was subjected to cruel and unusual punishment by the United States government for doing so.

    And yeah I really think it’s a combination of the two. Musk is deeply insecure. It shows in every aspect of his behavior. In fact, I’m extremely grateful I’m me and not him. Hell, you can hear the damage solitary confinement did when Chelsea Manning speaks, and I’d still rather be her than Musk. It must be horrible to have infinite money, incredible power, and no idea why you’re so miserable, especially when those things contribute to your misery. You cannot buy real human connection or relatability, well not without losing your wealth.

    • LustyArgonianMana@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I see a lot of wealthy men through work, and it’s their hubris imo that makes them miserable. It feeds their narcissism, confirmation bias, and survivorship bias. Thus, you get EXTREMELY weird convictions that are not based in reality. But there’s no one to keep them in check. They feel like, “Well, I have millions of dollars, which is obviously because I’m special. I’m special because I’m the smartest guy ever. I should never consider anyone else’s thoughts because I’m the one who got me here.” And bam, that’s the basis of the anti-education movement in the wealthier people. And if they show even a shred of humility, it’s seen as “bad.” Lol, we are fucked