“Irreducible Complexity” is a (the?) cornerstone of the pseudo scientific creationist rebuttal of evolution. Or at least it was when I was young and impressionable enough to believe it.
Blood rain, giblets, and warm bullet casings
Mild, sharp, and sharper cheese tastings
Metal dudes shredding their taut guitar strings
These are a few of my favorite things
“Irreducible Complexity” is a (the?) cornerstone of the pseudo scientific creationist rebuttal of evolution. Or at least it was when I was young and impressionable enough to believe it.
But I can’t let the world forget how sads I am.
If you like the stress of combat, and as much as you say “quelling”, I must recommend Warhammer 40k Darktide. Since the last big content patch in ~October that pretty much finally brought it to 1.0, it has essentially been the roguelite, frenetic FPS I’ve been searching for. High skill ceiling, skill-based movement system, target prioritization is paramount, tons of play styles with builds and classes. Give it a shot. Do some ripping and tearing for the emperor.
Shush. We don’t want that happening right now. Old Uncle Tom is somehow not the worst it could get.
Both my new service candidates, mailbox.org and posteo, offer calendars. However, I’m in a holding pattern currently since they are German based. Fuckface is meddling in their elections now, which happen at the end of Feb. so I’m holding off to see how much ground the Afd gains.
Just a heads up on the Costco online thing, their selection isn’t that expansive, so it can’t replace Amazon for you. You’re at the whims of what item and brand they decide to carry and when.
What type of cheese will be cancer mouse’s favorite?
Not a 100% match, but Gomez and Morticia, especially in the 2 90s Sonnenfeld films, portray an atypically non-conforming mutual love/respect relationship unlike most on screen marriages.
Because of the fantasy novels I have to recommend Pyre. I’d recommend all Supergiant games to anyone, but Pyre is a special work of art with fantastic writing and unique gameplay. If he really likes fantasy, he should love it because I don’t at all but I did. It’s presented in visual novel style with action “combat” segments.
Shut up baby I know it
Use it with the wife often, mostly with success
I had this happen recently with Freetube and the, very strangely, age restricted new trailer for a Darktide update. Hope the big brains figure out a work around. Even invidious fallback wouldn’t play it.
same brother, same
Great to know. Thanks for the follow up
This looks promising, thanks
That will get me a minimum 1080p vid with sound? Cuz looking at the instructions, it looks a lot more complicated.
Is there a gui interface for that anywhere? I really can’t be bothered to learn the command line just to download a couple vids here and there. Especially when freetube still works for now. But if the barrier to entry was a little lower, I’d start backing up faves.
Once they added quick playlist functionality earlier this year, it was over for YouTube for me.
At this point it has everything I need and could only use small QoL improvements to be absolutely perfect for me.
You a seem to know a lot of ammosexuals
I doubt you’ll find a rube to take that bet.