The EU’s Data Protection Board (EDPB) has told large online platforms they should not offer users a binary choice between paying for a service and consenting to their personal data being used to provide targeted advertising.

In October last year, the social media giant said it would be possible to pay Meta to stop Instagram or Facebook feeds of personalized ads and prevent it from using personal data for marketing for users in the EU, EEA, or Switzerland. Meta then announced a subscription model of €9.99/month on the web or €12.99/month on iOS and Android for users who did not want their personal data used for targeted advertising.

At the time, Felix Mikolasch, data protection lawyer at noyb, said: “EU law requires that consent is the genuine free will of the user. Contrary to this law, Meta charges a ‘privacy fee’ of up to €250 per year if anyone dares to exercise their fundamental right to data protection.”

    3 months ago

    The EU standard also leaves much to be desired, although it is still light years away from the (non-existent) US regulation. Now, the terms must be separated, it is legitimate for a company to finance its services, either by a monthly payment, or by placing advertisements. What is not legitimate is placing advertisements based on the user’s activities and data that are recorded and sold to third parties, because this, apart from a violation of the right to privacy, is also a real risk for the user, since they have no more control over this data and how it is used or protected. Dozens of sensitive data leaks (banking, medical and others) in the past from Fakebook, Google, Amazon… clearly show this risk. It is therefore to be welcomed that the EU cuts off the tap on these companies.

    3 months ago

    EU elite are the same liberal/capitalist clowns as in the US (funded by oligarchs), and they don’t give a shit about EU citizens or our privacy. All capitalist corporation act the same psychotic way and should be shut down, but this is pure protectionism against US big tech.

    Not that I complain about FB and other big tech platforms being hunted by EU, but it would be better if it was a genuine wish to protect their citizens against Capitalist psychopathy.

    3 months ago

    I honestly don’t understand how what Facebook is doing a bad thing. The deal has always been that targeted advertising is how you pay for a free service.

    This isn’t exclusive to Facebook.

    Offering an ad free experience for a subscription fee is an extremely common practice. Do people really expect to be able to use an entertainment platform for free?

      3 months ago

      The deal has always been that targeted advertising is how you pay for a free service.

      Always is a heck of a long time. Decades ago when ads on websites slowly became popular it was just ads. But no personalized targeting.

      This isn’t exclusive to Facebook.

      Offering an ad free experience for a subscription fee is an extremely common practice. Do people really expect to be able to use an entertainment platform for free?

      Extremely common practice does not make it good nor does it make it a good reason to normalize or ignore these things. For example exploitation in labor and in housing is also extremely common practice. No reason to make exploitation on the Internet seem like a fair game and expand it further. Sustainability should be a key word here in my point of view.

    3 months ago

    Does that make the subscription model illegal and facebook has to pay the money back?