I hope every artist starts using it.
AI art isn’t real art.
Your opinion, not a fact. Most art is as derivative or more than AI art.
No, that’s fact. AI-generated images aren’t art. They’re hallucinations without meaning or purpose.
Stupid opinion. If I ask AI to draw an image, that has no meaning or purpose? So if I did the exact same thing with a pencil then it’s suddenly art? AI is just a tool and people like you need to get over it or fully commit and say anything digital isn’t art because a computer really did it. Anything made in Photoshop can’t be art according to you because a program made it. Blender renders aren’t art because a computer generated it. All you did in either case was tell it what to do.
Do you reply to people this way in person ?
If they’re stupid yes.
Begun, the AI Wars have.
Excited to see the guys that made Nightshade get sued in a Silicon Valley district court, because they’re something something mumble mumble intellectual property national security.
They already stole GPLv2 code for their last data poisoning scheme and remain in violation of that license. They’re just grifters.
sigh Grifts all the way down, it seems.